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The brand is a dream came true for our Ammi. As she is always inspired to create things on her own. The journey was began with the compliments she received for her creations and It's the little things always and in all ways. Like the details of our products. whether its the fabric design, objects, tags on our products, packaging, and little thanking notes. The creation values simplicity, elegance and uniqueness.

Uni - The creator. She truly adores the creativity, simplicity and longevity of the products and everything is made with love. Mandy - The youngest fell in the team and she held lot of positions. The face behind our Products, founder, quality checker, Operations Manager, and Communications Strategist. She aspires to be a Fashion Designer one day. Nini - A creator, blog writer, Public Relations manager. Full time academia.


Location; where are you based in?


Do you remember the first thing you made?

Yes, A pair of earrings.

What were you before you became a maker?

Full time student

What inspired you to start the brand?

Mum wanted to start an own brand for us and today here we are. Inspired by the compliments for our daily weavings (clothes, bags, earrings, clutches)

What inspires your work?

Happiness of our customers

What was the last gift you gave someone?

A box of Home made Brownies with a platter to my sister's Birthday

What do you do to overcome lockdown blues?

Engage with family and creating crafts

Are you interested in becoming a design mentor to artistically inclined aunties in the south?

Yes of course, wish to share my knowledge with them.


What gives you Hope?

My mother and Tomorrow

What are you Hopeful for in 2022?

Create more and more creative customer loved products.

Any advice for other Boss Ladies like yourself?

Never Give Up!

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